All in Holidays

The Yorkshire of Germany

Bavaria holds the strange position of being both the source of German stereotypes, while also being considered the least German of the Bundesländer. Obviously this makes it hard to describe to non-Germans what it’s like living here. While some make comparisons with Texas, perhaps a better example can be found in the UK?

All Roads Lead to Neuschwanstein

Family visits used to easy, but after so many years, it’s becoming harder to keep realtives entertained when they come to Germany. Luckily I have a secret weapon. When all else fails, we pack everyone into the car and head to Neuschwanstein. What’s it like visiting an icon of Bavarian culture and why does it seem so few Germans have done it themselves?

All Roads Lead to Neuschwanstein

Family visits used to easy, but after so many years, it’s becoming harder to keep realtives entertained when they come to Germany. Luckily I have a secret weapon. When all else fails, we pack everyone into the car and head to Neuschwanstein. What’s it like visiting an icon of Bavarian culture and why does it seem so few Germans have done it themselves?

The Yorkshire of Germany

Bavaria holds the strange position of being both the source of German stereotypes, while also being considered the least German of the Bundesländer. Obviously this makes it hard to describe to non-Germans what it’s like living here. While some make comparisons with Texas, perhaps a better example can be found in the UK?

Fasching: Nothing is Forbidden

Fasching is a favorite time of year for many Germans, with a long tradition going back to the medieval period. Although primarily a celebration, the costumes worn by some have come under scrutiny due to accusations of racism and cultural stereotyping. Can a costume be racist even if worn in celebration and is ignorance ever a defence?