All in Work

My Kingdom for a Sandwich

Despite having all the essentials, Germany consistently fails to make a decent sandwich. This obviously comes as some surprise, given that bread is practically a religion. What’s the problem with German sandwiches and what do poorly constructed sandwiches tell us about work/life balance?

Talk Small

Of all the topics I’m asked about, the relationship between Germans and small talk is the most frequent. Is Germany really a desert of friendly chit-chat and what happens when you can no longer fall back on polite conversations about the weather?

My Kingdom for a Sandwich

Despite having all the essentials, Germany consistently fails to make a decent sandwich. This obviously comes as some surprise, given that bread is practically a religion. What’s the problem with German sandwiches and what do poorly constructed sandwiches tell us about work/life balance?

The Power of Punctuality

If there’s one thing we all know it’s that Germany is the land of punctuality, but everywhere you look there are examples to the contrary. Time keeping here isn’t always as simple as just being on time. How punctual are the Germans and why might it be counterproductive to punish latecomers?

Cold Comfort

“Es Zieht” or “It’s draughty” is a common complaint heard in Germany, even during the summer. Are the Germans overly sensitive about the dangers of air flow and why might it be difficult for the British to take their concerns seriously?

Only When I Laugh

While the stereotype of the humourless German is overblown, there are differences in how Germans and the British use humour in their everyday lives. What do Germans find funny, and why might the British instinct for jokes cause problems?

Move Slow and Fix Things

One of the most common complaints levelled at Germany is how slow it is to change. Decisions can feel drawn out, and in a world of disruptors, it can feel like Europe’s largest economy is voluntarily stuck in the mud. Is Germany really so averse to change, or is there something else going on?

The Power of Punctuality

If there’s one thing we all know it’s that Germany is the land of punctuality, but everywhere you look there are examples to the contrary. Time keeping here isn’t always as simple as just being on time. How punctual are the Germans and why might it be counterproductive to punish latecomers?

English for Beamte

In a country that has wrestled with its acceptance of migrants, one thing all sides of the political spectrum have agreed on is that migrants to Germany should learn to speak German. However, a recent FDP proposal may well see English become the an official bureaucratic language. Will this really make things easier for migrants and how difficult will it be to achieve?

A Very Efficient Myth

If there is one thing people know about Germany, it’s that it is the home of efficiency. Visitors are certain of it, but many Germans are beginning to have their doubts. Is German efficiency simply a stereotype, a long perpetuated myth or the the true lived experience?