All in Society

Food Fight

Is food a useful way of viewing a different culture? Is Wurst an indicator of how Germany thinks? Maybe, but what happens when you mess with traditional recipes and what do reactions to simple culinary changes tell us about a country?

Talk Small

Of all the topics I’m asked about, the relationship between Germans and small talk is the most frequent. Is Germany really a desert of friendly chit-chat and what happens when you can no longer fall back on polite conversations about the weather?

Inconvenience Culture

Shopping in Germany is rarely described as convenient. Supermarkets are hard to navigate, payment methods aren’t uniform and customer service is disinterested. Is Germany a land of inconvenience culture and could that actually be a good thing?

For the Love of the Pub

For much of my adult life, pubs have been deeply important spaces. While Germany has many bars, they tend to differ from the pub culture in the UK and Ireland in various ways. What are these small but important differences, and how do Irish pubs in Germany help or hinder a new arrivals?

No Limit

Learning to drive in Germany is no easy feat, but once you pass, the open Autobahn awaits. It can be exhilarating, but it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. What’s it like to drive on the Autobahn and why should you be careful when discussing speed limits?

Form a Disorderly Queue

Germany is seen as a land of punctuality and organisation. Although broadly accurate, there are areas where chaos is allowed to reign. Queuing is one such area. Why are German queues a contact sport and what does that tell us about the importance of timekeeping over organisation?

A Winter of Discontent

2024 is only two weeks old, but in Germany it already feels as febrile as the last twelve months. The Bauernproteste, along with the rail strikes have to a feeling that things are beginning to fall apart. IS this Germany’s winter of discontent, and is there any light at the end of the tunnel?

No Sunday Service

Sunday trading is a contentious issue for many in Germany. Whereas some see it as the perfect way to boost local economies after the pandemic, others see it as direct attack on the rights of workers and a particular way of life. Should shops be allowed to open on Sundays or would it be a slippery slope to 24/7 consumerism?