All in Society

The Power of Punctuality

If there’s one thing we all know it’s that Germany is the land of punctuality, but everywhere you look there are examples to the contrary. Time keeping here isn’t always as simple as just being on time. How punctual are the Germans and why might it be counterproductive to punish latecomers?

English for Beamte

In a country that has wrestled with its acceptance of migrants, one thing all sides of the political spectrum have agreed on is that migrants to Germany should learn to speak German. However, a recent FDP proposal may well see English become the an official bureaucratic language. Will this really make things easier for migrants and how difficult will it be to achieve?

Getting the Hoff

Many of my preconceptions about Germany have been thoroughly shattered over the years, but only one truly hurt; David Hasselhoff might not be the German icon I was led to believe. Despite being told this in my first years living here, I come to wonder If my early assumption was actually correct. Is Hasselhoff a cult hero or simply a curious historical footnote?

No Limit

Learning to drive in Germany can be one pitfall after another, but once you pass your test, the open Autobahn awaits. Driving on the Autobahn can be terrifying and exhilarating in equal measure, but it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. What’s it like to drive on the Autobahn and why must you be careful when discussing speed limits?

Sunday Service

Sunday trading is a contentious issue for many in Germany. Whereas some see it as the perfect way to boost local economies after the pandemic, others see it as direct attack on the rights of workers and a particular way of life. Should shops be allowed to open on Sundays or would it be a slippery slope to 24/7 consumerism?

The Lessons of History

We’re no longer living in the same Germany we were a week ago. The invasion of Ukraine has fundamentally changed German politics and possibly society at large. What can history tell us about this change and is that knowledge even useful

Inconvenience Culture

Shopping in Germany is rarely described as convenient. Supermarkets are hard to navigate, payment methods aren’t uniform and customer service is disinterested. Is Germany a land of inconvenience culture and could that actually be a good thing?

Face of the Nation

Can you judge a country by its leaders? It’s tempting, after all for many Germans Boris Johnson is the epitome of Britishness, while for the British, the robotic Olaf Scholz could only come from Germany. What do our elected leaders say about us and why might we wish they didn’t?

Land of the Rule Followers

Not only is Germany considered the land of rules but it’s also seen as the land of the rules followers. Prussian values, Martin Luther and hyperinflation have all been credited with shaping this ordered society. Are all Germans really obsessed by the rules and has the pandemic changed that perception?

A Lonely Glühwein to Joshua Kimmich

According to Bavaria’s Minister President Markus Söder, we are in a pandemic “time loop”. It’s hard to tell whether we’re in 2020 or 2021 as infections and hospitalisations soar. How did we end up here, what’s that got to do with Joshua Kimmich and why might Germany be suffering under a tyranny of idiocy?

Fear of the Future

The idea of “German Angst” is one that has captured the imaginations of English speakers for decades. The image of a timid and fearful Germany is not only popularised internationally, but it also has currency at home too. Is Germany really afraid of the future and is that such a bad thing?