All tagged German

Inconvenience Culture

Shopping in Germany is rarely described as convenient. Supermarkets are hard to navigate, payment methods aren’t uniform and customer service is disinterested. Is Germany a land of inconvenience culture and could that actually be a good thing?

The Rules of Politeness

English speakers often assume their politeness rules are as global as their language, but this is not the case. Politeness is not uniform from country to country, Germany has different ideas of what is or isn’t polite. What happens when these rules clash?

The Small Differences

After so long living in Germany, the differences seem totally normal. However, I can still find examples of things you only find in Germany all around the house. Why are German coffee filters different and why are windows a serious topic of conversation?

Inconvenience Culture

Shopping in Germany is rarely described as convenient. Supermarkets are hard to navigate, payment methods aren’t uniform and customer service is disinterested. Is Germany a land of inconvenience culture and could that actually be a good thing?

The Small Differences

After so long living in Germany, the differences seem totally normal. However, I can still find examples of things you only find in Germany all around the house. Why are German coffee filters different and why are windows a serious topic of conversation?

Safe Spaces

I’ve often admired the German ability to separate private lives from work lives. Speaking English seems to change this cultural rule, opening up conversations and allowing people to speak frankly. However, is this honesty always refreshing?

Germany's Political Posters

In some countries, the build up to an election can start years in advance. In Germany, some people only know an election is coming when the streets are suddenly covered in political posters. Are political posters really so important or is this just another example of low-tech Germany?