On the whole Germans aren’t as socially awkward as the British. How might German grammar help avoid the worst aspects of social awkwardness and what does that have to do with a person’s first name?

All tagged Politeness
On the whole Germans aren’t as socially awkward as the British. How might German grammar help avoid the worst aspects of social awkwardness and what does that have to do with a person’s first name?
On the whole Germans aren’t as socially awkward as the British. How might German grammar help avoid the worst aspects of social awkwardness and what does that have to do with a person’s first name?
On the whole Germans aren’t as socially awkward as the British. How might German grammar help avoid the worst aspects of social awkwardness and what does that have to do with a person’s first name?
English speakers often assume their politeness rules are as global as their language, but this is not the case. Politeness is not uniform from country to country, Germany has different ideas of what is or isn’t polite. What happens when these rules clash?
Listening to some, it would be easy to assume that Germany is a land of impoliteness. Are the Germans really impolite or are we all missing something?
If there’s one thing that unites the UK and Germany it’s complaining. That being said, the approach to complaining is wildly different. What are the different cultures of complaining and why might having a cathartic moan lead to trouble in Germany?
Listening to some, it would be easy to assume that Germany is a land of impoliteness. Are the Germans really impolite or are we all missing something?
How early is too early to start swearing? From German radio turning the air blue at 7AM to small children shouting expletives while playing in the park, Germany has a different relationship with choice language than the UK or USA. What are the rules, when is it OK and won’t someone please think of the children!?