All tagged UK

The Yorkshire of Germany

Bavaria holds the strange position of being both the source of German stereotypes, while also being considered the least German of the Bundesländer. Obviously this makes it hard to describe to non-Germans what it’s like living here. While some make comparisons with Texas, perhaps a better example can be found in the UK?

A Very Efficient Myth

If there is one thing people know about Germany, it’s that it is the home of efficiency. Visitors are certain of it, but many Germans are beginning to have their doubts. Is German efficiency simply a stereotype, a long perpetuated myth or the the true lived experience?

Ain't No Party Like a Grillparty

Barbecue culture is serious business in Germany, with courses on how to become a grillmeister, and endless debates about what makes a proper Kartoffelsalat. What should a visitor expect should they ever be lucky enough to get an invite?

The Eye of the Beer Holder

German beer is rightly lauded for its quality and variety, but often what is considered a “good beer” differs considerably from region to region, city to city. With so many options, how do Germans choose their favourite and why might the popularity of German beer around the world be an example of Germany’s soft power?

Talk Small

Of all the topics I’m asked about, the relationship between Germans and small talk is the most frequent. Is Germany really a desert of friendly chit-chat and what happens when you can no longer fall back on polite conversations about the weather?

Inconvenience Culture

Shopping in Germany is rarely described as convenient. Supermarkets are hard to navigate, payment methods aren’t uniform and customer service is disinterested. Is Germany a land of inconvenience culture and could that actually be a good thing?

Form a Disorderly Queue

Germany is seen as a land of punctuality and organisation. Although broadly accurate, there are areas where chaos is allowed to reign. Queuing is one such area. Why are German queues a contact sport and what does that tell us about the importance of timekeeping over organisation?

No Sunday Service

Sunday trading is a contentious issue for many in Germany. Whereas some see it as the perfect way to boost local economies after the pandemic, others see it as direct attack on the rights of workers and a particular way of life. Should shops be allowed to open on Sundays or would it be a slippery slope to 24/7 consumerism?

A Saga of Schlager

English speakers may have no idea who she is, but Helene Fischer is easily one of the most successful musicians, not just in Germany, but the world. This success has come on the back of slickly produced Schlager music, a genre that is long lived and often very hard to define. What is Schlager music and how has it managed to stay so popular?

You had me at Hallo

There’s more than one way to say hello in Germany, from ‘Guten Tag!’, ‘Moin!’ to ‘Hallo!’. The German hello comes in many different flavours, which is useful since greeting people, especially strangers, is so common. However, there is a dark side to the German ‘Hallo!’ that’s not always clear to new arrivals. Why should people be careful when a German says ’hallo!’?

The Coffee Conundrum

I can't imagine Germany without Kaffee und Kuchen, just as I can't imagine Britain without tea. Unlike the British though, Germans aren't judged on how they make their favourite hot beverage. Is this why coffee in Germany can be so hit & miss?