Episode 120: Half the Zucker, Twice the Love

Following a busy weekend, we discuss family birthdays, baking cakes for Germans, and the perfect party goodie bag. The release of the InterNations Expat Survey leads to a discussion on whether expats are a trustworthy source, and what the results tells us about Germany. We also look at the climate referendum in Berlin, and finish on the “Megastreiktag” that shutdown transport across the country.

Episode 119: Kumquat Quatsch

After a week off, Dili is back in the co-host hot seat, and comes equipped with questions about Nic’s adventures on St Patrick’s Day. We tackle the thorny issue of Wahlrechtsreform after the German government voted to change the current election system, and we finish on the announcement that one of Germany’s largest department store groups is planning to close stores across the country.

Episode 118: Tales of the Hauptstadt

Sadly Dili was out this week, luckily for us freelance writer & journalist Aaron Gasch Burnett was able to step into the breach. Aaron discusses his experience of hosting the I am Germany Twitter account, his German grandparents, and schools Nic on Canadian rodeo. Aaron also shares his thoughts on changes to citizenship rules in Germany, and we finish on the rivalry between Bavaria and Berlin.

Episode 117: The Return of Stern

Fire the confetti cannons, producer Simon’s back! We celebrate by demanding he gives us some gifts….well Nic does at least. After last week’s foray into the forests, we return to the wilds for a wolf related update, there's a follow up on the Berlin election, a discussion on the merits of the current climate protest movement, and we finish on the proposals to make English Germany’s 2nd language.

Episode 116: Wolf Watch

It’s been three weeks since producer Simon went on holiday and Dili & Nic are really missing him. In order to cheer themselves up, your hosts discuss which superpowers would be most useful for living in Germany, we take a look at the German love of bottled water, a portal to document anti-feminist incidents across Germany, and a Grimm’s Fairy Tale come to life.

Ep 115: Pflegeleicht

It’s nice that after all this time, Germany still has the capacity to surprise, as Dili discovers when she learns something new about her washing machine, and German, that’s been staring her in the face for 12 years. This week we discuss what we still find odd about Germany, the return of Politischer Aschermittwoch, and our love/hate relationship with Deutsche Bahn.

Episode 114: Fasching Fashion

Dili discusses her true passion for cake, the merits of jelly, the power of Bienenstich, and why a bad cake can still be a good cake. Nic and his daughter enter the lion’s den of a Kinder Faschingsparty, we discuss the recent Berlin election results, creative ways to take revenge on critics, and plans from Leipzig to make companies pay their employees to sleep at work.

Episode 113: Withering Heights

A question on shopping opens a can of worms as we discuss our experiences of the fabled German customer service. With politeness on the mind, Nic ponders what he should do when confronted with impolite people. We turn our attention to the rapid arrival of Fasching, Germany’s fifth season, we discuss the merits of mountain climbing, and we finish with the announcement of Germany's Kulturpass.

Episode 112: Augsburg, Augsburg

After bickering over the kick-off question, Dili wins the battle of wills and wants to know about favourite vegetables. We introduce a new segment with Dili’s Sports Roundup, and Nic recaps his first sojourn into the TV festival that is “Berlin, Berlin”. We look at a recent analysis on children’s educational deficits after the lockdown, and we finish off with news of German pension reform.

Episode 111: Trials, Tribulations and Blackmail

Nic is worried that the producer is trying to blackmail him, we discuss problem neighbours, how moving to Germany presents unique challenges, and if it’s better to live next door to family or have them as far aways as possible. Also, Dili challenges Nic to watch an awarding winning German TV show that seemingly revolves around an incestious relationship.

Episode 110: Manta Madness

We kick things off this week by discussing the things we love about Germany, why Indian food feels like home, and why many people who move here fall into a negativity trap. We look at the resignation of Defence Minister Christine Lambrecht, the comments on migration by opposition leader Friedrich Merz of the CDU, and our experiences of the never ending discussion on migrant integration.

Episode 109: Trouble With A Capital Tea

A listener’s email gives us a chance to celebrate Dili’d new microphone, and we ask why tea so maligned here, and might it have to do with some good old British Schadenfreude? We take a look at the world of German politics as planning for 2023 begins, mudslinging between Bavaria and Berlin, and a right royal scandal in the UK.

Episode 108: Firecracker Foolery

New year, new episode and we kick off with a lesson on gracefully offering New Years greetings, Nic discovers New Year’s Day has a morning, and Dili argues that sleep is the best way to celebrate Silvester. We question the current fireworks debate, Dili brings us positive news as two Berlin museums offer to return items taken during the colonial period, and we finish with 2023 predictions.

Episode 107: Slippery Silvester

After a Christmas weekend to remember, we recap our festive adventures. Dili’s exploits in the Netherlands bring some exciting salad recipes, and tales of caviar fueled partying. We also discuss missing family and friends, We look at our highlights over the year, as well as some of our favourite moments on the pod, and we finish with our overall favourite events and bits of culture from 2022.

Episode 106: Spezi Socks

It’s only bloody Christmas! We bring you a bumper festive episode, as we discuss secret recipes, fun socks, and the art of decorating a Christmas tree. Dili shares her Christmas plans, and her opinions on Peppa Pig toys, while Nic remembers his first Christmas in Germany.

Episode 105: Beard for Days

Disaster strikes as Dili catches the flu, but luckily for us, an old friend is there to save the show. Yes listeners, for one final time, Simon returns to the show! We talk about his decision to leave the show, his favourite moments, and the episode he’s most proud of.

Episode 104: Kältewelle

It seems like everyone is coming down with something this week, as cold and flu season kicks into gear, we discuss homemade remedies, fear of the Apotheke, and why taking a day off from work isn’t as big a problem in Germany as it is in other countries. We also chat about the scandal at Buckingham Palace, German pessimism, and renaming Berlin streets.

Episode 103: Thingamajig & Dingsbums

December is upon us, and with the arrival of Advent we discuss wooden Advent calendars, homemade calendars, and why giving chocolate to children at eight in the morning seems a terrible idea. We also chat German football terminology, direct translations, and our most used German words and phrases.

Episode 102: Scrooge McWeihnachtsmarkt

Dili and Nic discuss Simon’s recent announcement, the return of the DuetscherBierPokal, and why grapefruit beer is an acquired taste. After a conversation with his wife, Nic wonders if buying people alcohol for Christmas is acceptable in Germany, who doesn’t want a pint of wine around the Christmas tree? We also talk about boycotting the World Cup, celebrity activism, and the proposed changes to the benefits system in Germany.

Episode 101: Berghain or Bust

Nic is joined by Dilini Algama this week to discuss the arrival of the NFL in Munich, quince season, and trying to shower in under two minutes flat. As German cities announce plans to continue banning fireworks in certain areas on New Years Eve, do we welcome a less explosive end to 2022? Nic has become fascinated with the culture surrounding world famous Berlin club Berghain, and we finish with another Boris Becker update.