Episode 134: Daddy Day Trip

This week we discuss changes to Elterngeld in Germany which will see couples earning over €150,000 become ineligible for state support. Is this progress or regression? We debate parental responsibility and whether we can judge people’s parenting from social media posts, and we finish on an initiative in Berlin to test illegal drugs without involving law enforcement.

Episode 133: Nice Ice Device

Dili fights an 8-year old for a seat on a train, which leads to a chat about confronting unruly kids, Nic takes a trip to another Bavarian Volksfest, and we worry about an invasion of hornets. We also turn our attention to the recent electoral success of the AfD in Thuringia, and Nic tries to teach Dili about EURO 2024, starting with naming the tournament mascot.

Episode 132: Projects!

As your two hosts attempt to not melt in the heat, we discuss the how the sunny weather seems to bring out all the smokers in Germany. Nic has some sympathy for his nicotine stained former brethren; Dili on the other hand has no time for them whatsoever. We also look at whether the German culture of complaining has its benefits, and we finish on the topic of multilingual relationships.

Episode 131: Rear Window

Summer might have brought us some lovely weather in Germany, but it’s also exposed Dili to some maddening behaviour from her neighbours. We come to appreciate some newly discovered powers of prediction, discuss challenging objectionable social media content, and we finish on the story of Germany’s first AI church service.

Episode 130: Afternoon Delight

With producer Simon taking the night off, Dili and Nic quickly go off script to discuss their experiences of living in shared accommodation, and the horror that entailed. We also take a look at the novel way Germany celebrates the great and the good with their very own traffic lights, Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz going rage mode, the riots in Leipzig, and the recent polling success of the AfD.

Episode 129: Babycast

After leaving listeners with a slight cliffhanger last week, we return with some exciting news: Nic has a son! With so much going on in Nic’s life, we dispense with the current events and talk about what it’s like going through the birth of a child in Germany. Why do doctors wear Crocs, what’s the etiquette for cutting the umbilical cord, and who is allowed to crack jokes in the operating theatre?

Episode 128: The Schlong Move

Dili returns, and as is tradition, Nic demands souvenirs from her week in France. He may be disappointed, but it’s not an issue, Nic has far bigger fish to fry as his wife prepares to give birth the day after recording the show. We also discuss a survey on German toilet habits, the return of plagiarism scandals to German politics, historical quizzes in the Bundestag, and life saving tattoos.

Episode 127: Lean Scottish

Dili is on holiday this week, but we’re joined by the wonderful Rachel Loxton of The Local & The Germany in Focus Podcast to talk about being Scottish in Germany, how paying the bill separately is a sure fire way to upset British friends, chatting at the checkout, and Rachel’s experience of rising rents in Berlin.

Episode 126: Angry Resting Gesicht

An angry reaction to a curious Oma leads to questions about whether it’s ever OK to compliment someone else’s child, and why Nic’s resting face may be preventing him from making friends with other parents. We also discuss ever increasing supermarket prices, claims of nepotism hitting the government, EU proposals to make drivers over 70 retake their driving tests, and nightmare exam scenarios.

Episode 125: Pole Position

A listener email about the coronation finally breaks our resolve, and we address the exciting news that a rich man will finally get to sit on his mother’s golden chair. We also discuss the many public appearances of Markus Söder, the recent criticism of Annalena Baerbock, Maibäume appearing all around Bavaria, and scandal merchant Boris Palmer.

Episode 124: Lumbering Lumberjacks

Hell hath no fury like a Dili scorned, a lesson that a German bank learned after overcharging our erstwhile co-host. We also discuss adventures in the Bavarian Wald, and observing German traditions. Ice cream has become a major talking point in the German media, why are prices increasing so dramatically? We also turn our attention to the debate over plans to phase out gas and oil heating systems.

Episode 123: Marionette Madness

Nic’s been having adventures, all of which seem to have involved wood. We discuss terrifying marionettes, and the joy of hanging out with old school Bavarian Handwerksmeister. We also look at the nuclear shutdown in Germany, a revised version of coalition plans to legalise cannabis, and the scandal swirling around Axel Springer CEO Mathias Döpfner.

Episode 122: The Battle of the Leftovers

With the Easter behind us, Dili and Nic catch each other up on a weekend of family dinners, spicy cakes, and whirlwind trips to the UK. We chat about Easter gifts, spoiled kids, and lethal leftovers. We ask why Germans are avoiding the UK, and we tackle the issue of why Germany seems so backward when it comes to the topic of abortion.

Ep 121: This Is The Way

Easter is upon us, and we compare notes on recycling Christmas chocolate, rabbits with chicken pox, and the power of Creme-Eggs. After more than one listener request, we review the recent Royal visit to Germany by King Charles & Queen Camilla, and we finish the pod with the recent failed education summit called to find solutions to Germany’s many education problems.

Episode 120: Half the Zucker, Twice the Love

Following a busy weekend, we discuss family birthdays, baking cakes for Germans, and the perfect party goodie bag. The release of the InterNations Expat Survey leads to a discussion on whether expats are a trustworthy source, and what the results tells us about Germany. We also look at the climate referendum in Berlin, and finish on the “Megastreiktag” that shutdown transport across the country.

Episode 119: Kumquat Quatsch

After a week off, Dili is back in the co-host hot seat, and comes equipped with questions about Nic’s adventures on St Patrick’s Day. We tackle the thorny issue of Wahlrechtsreform after the German government voted to change the current election system, and we finish on the announcement that one of Germany’s largest department store groups is planning to close stores across the country.

Episode 118: Tales of the Hauptstadt

Sadly Dili was out this week, luckily for us freelance writer & journalist Aaron Gasch Burnett was able to step into the breach. Aaron discusses his experience of hosting the I am Germany Twitter account, his German grandparents, and schools Nic on Canadian rodeo. Aaron also shares his thoughts on changes to citizenship rules in Germany, and we finish on the rivalry between Bavaria and Berlin.

Episode 117: The Return of Stern

Fire the confetti cannons, producer Simon’s back! We celebrate by demanding he gives us some gifts….well Nic does at least. After last week’s foray into the forests, we return to the wilds for a wolf related update, there's a follow up on the Berlin election, a discussion on the merits of the current climate protest movement, and we finish on the proposals to make English Germany’s 2nd language.

Episode 116: Wolf Watch

It’s been three weeks since producer Simon went on holiday and Dili & Nic are really missing him. In order to cheer themselves up, your hosts discuss which superpowers would be most useful for living in Germany, we take a look at the German love of bottled water, a portal to document anti-feminist incidents across Germany, and a Grimm’s Fairy Tale come to life.

Ep 115: Pflegeleicht

It’s nice that after all this time, Germany still has the capacity to surprise, as Dili discovers when she learns something new about her washing machine, and German, that’s been staring her in the face for 12 years. This week we discuss what we still find odd about Germany, the return of Politischer Aschermittwoch, and our love/hate relationship with Deutsche Bahn.