What’s the difference between toast and bread? In Germany it’s clear: one is bread, the other isn’t. Are the Germans right to malign toast and what has that got to do with US food culture?

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What’s the difference between toast and bread? In Germany it’s clear: one is bread, the other isn’t. Are the Germans right to malign toast and what has that got to do with US food culture?
Listening to some, it would be easy to assume that Germany is a land of impoliteness. Are the Germans really impolite or are we all missing something?
Formality in any culture is a minefield. In Germany they have rules that make things easier, but only if you can deprogram your own native culture. What’s different about formality in Germany and why might British humour create more trouble than laughs?
What’s the difference between toast and bread? In Germany it’s clear: one is bread, the other isn’t. Are the Germans right to malign toast and what has that got to do with US food culture?
Listening to some, it would be easy to assume that Germany is a land of impoliteness. Are the Germans really impolite or are we all missing something?
Formality in any culture is a minefield. In Germany they have rules that make things easier, but only if you can deprogram your own native culture. What’s different about formality in Germany and why might British humour create more trouble than laughs?
It's easy to get confused in Germany, but it’s often just as easy to cause the confusion. Why might saying thanks to the bis driver seem odd and how did ordering chips in a restaurant lead to a minor international incident?
Often compared to the British ritual of afternoon tea, Kaffee und Kuchen is the bedrock of German culture, but how does it differ from the UK?
How early is too early to start swearing? From German radio turning the air blue at 7AM to small children shouting expletives while playing in the park, Germany has a different relationship with choice language than the UK or USA. What are the rules, when is it OK and won’t someone please think of the children!?
In the English speaking world, it is accepted that Germans are humourless robots, but how true is the stereotype? Can Germans really be funny?
It's Autumn in Germany, so time to buy some pumpkins and sharpen some knives.