Most people in Germany know about the British class system, but few would discuss German society in terms of class. Does Germany have a class system and how is it different from the UK?

All tagged Immigration
Most people in Germany know about the British class system, but few would discuss German society in terms of class. Does Germany have a class system and how is it different from the UK?
When discussions on immigration and integration come up in Germany, the term Lietkultur is never too far behind. The idea that those coming to Germany need a set of “house rules” in order to live here has existed since the mid 90s, but can a national culture as diverse as Germany’s really be so easily codified?
Most people in Germany know about the British class system, but few would discuss German society in terms of class. Does Germany have a class system and how is it different from the UK?
Most people in Germany know about the British class system, but few would discuss German society in terms of class. Does Germany have a class system and how is it different from the UK?
Most of the time in Germany, people don’t consider me a migrant. Some will even complain about migrants in front of me. Is there a hierarchy of “good migrants”and why would some rather label me an expat?
Well, it happened, but can Germany learn from Brexit and Trump's election? For all our sakes I hope so.
There is trouble in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. The AfD are on the rise, with parallels on both sides of the Atlantic, but will Germany suffer the same problems?
We can all get a little preachy. If you can't preach a little in a blog, than why have a blog? After a rough month in Germany, we try to make some sense of it all.