What’s the difference between toast and bread? In Germany it’s clear: one is bread, the other isn’t. Are the Germans right to malign toast and what has that got to do with US food culture?

All tagged Kuchen
What’s the difference between toast and bread? In Germany it’s clear: one is bread, the other isn’t. Are the Germans right to malign toast and what has that got to do with US food culture?
What’s the difference between toast and bread? In Germany it’s clear: one is bread, the other isn’t. Are the Germans right to malign toast and what has that got to do with US food culture?
When is a German cake not a German cake? When it’s on British TV. A recent Germany themed episode of Britain’s favourite bake’em up The Great British Bake Off caused consternation for some as it seemed to not involve any recognisable German cakes. Why did the British show ignore the wide variety of German cakes and is Germany’s DAS GROSSE BACKE any better?