Health issues can be alarming when they occur in a different country. There are various anxieties to consider, from language to insurance, but what is it like to have a medical emergency in Germany, and what is the German for "bedside manner"?

All tagged Medicine
Health issues can be alarming when they occur in a different country. There are various anxieties to consider, from language to insurance, but what is it like to have a medical emergency in Germany, and what is the German for "bedside manner"?
Having children in #Germany presents some unique challenges for parents, more so for those of us who struggle with umlauts. What are some of the obstacles, and why might the government be less than supportive?
A sudden health issue is alarming enough but when it happens in a different country, even one you know well, there are extra anxieties to deal with. Can you explain the problem in a different language, will you accidentally say the wrong word and end up losing something you’d have preferred to keep, and what exactly is the German for bedside manner?