It’s a common complaint that Germany is a land of pessimism and negativity, but is that really a bad thing? How does German and British pessimism differ and might German pessimism actually be a superpower?

All tagged Pessimism
It’s a common complaint that Germany is a land of pessimism and negativity, but is that really a bad thing? How does German and British pessimism differ and might German pessimism actually be a superpower?
It’s a common complaint that Germany is a land of pessimism and negativity, but is that really a bad thing? How does German and British pessimism differ and might German pessimism actually be a superpower?
The idea of “German Angst” is one that has captured the imaginations of English speakers for decades. The image of a timid and fearful Germany is not only popularised internationally, but it also has currency at home too. Is Germany really afraid of the future and is that such a bad thing?