Episode 188: Improv Bunker

Episode 188: Improv Bunker

This week we welcome the terrific Pip Roper to the show! When she’s not sharing captivating stories of Berlin's history on the History Flakes podcast, Pip leads tours on diverse subjects throughout Germany's capital.

Join us as we delve into strategies for engaging disinterested school kids, the enduring allure of tanks in conversation, and curious British perspectives on Berlin.

Of course, we also look at more serious topics, as Pip sheds some light on her reputation as the defender of the often misunderstood German sandwich, and, with her help, we finally settle our ongoing cake vs dessert debate.

For those of you looking to support Ukraine or the many refugees currently fleeing the conflict, please take a look at these different charities and consider donating if you can.

Ukraine Crisis Media Centre - A list of different donation pages to help the Ukrainian military response.

Disaster Emergency Committee - Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal

Save the Children

Ärzte ohne Grenzen

Theme tune courtesy of Kloß mit Soß

Episode 189: Dodging Curveballs

Episode 189: Dodging Curveballs

Episode 187: Academic Anarchy

Episode 187: Academic Anarchy