A common complaint from Germans and non-Germans alike concerns the general quality of German radio. Is German radio so terrible, and what has that got to do with P!nk?

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A common complaint from Germans and non-Germans alike concerns the general quality of German radio. Is German radio so terrible, and what has that got to do with P!nk?
English speakers may have no idea who she is, but Helene Fischer is easily one of the most successful musicians, not just in Germany, but the world. This success has come on the back of slickly produced Schlager music, a genre that is long lived and often very hard to define. What is Schlager music and how has it managed to stay so popular?
A common complaint from Germans and non-Germans alike concerns the general quality of German radio. Is German radio so terrible, and what has that got to do with P!nk?
English speakers may have no idea who she is, but Helene Fischer is easily one of the most successful musicians, not just in Germany, but the world. This success has come on the back of slickly produced Schlager music, a genre that is long lived and often very hard to define. What is Schlager music and how has it managed to stay so popular?
The economic influence of the US on Europe is well known, but often the Germans I speak to dismiss the cultural importance of the US. How much impact does US culture have on Germany and why might some choose to ignore it?
The English speaking world may be familiar with Kraftwerk and Nena, but they probably have never heard of one of the most successful performers in Germany. How did Helene Fischer become so successful and what on earth is Schlager Music?
It can be hard to keep up with new trends and fashions, in Germany they have found a simple solution: don't.
Germany sees the arts in a very different light from the UK, to find out how different, we visit the Nürnberg opera.