Communicating with the Germans: Part 1

Language learning and mistakes go hand in hand, it’s a big part of the learning process. With the rise of English as a global language, and hybrid language like Denglisch, the mistakes can become more fantastic. In the part 1 of 2 blogs, we look at some of the lesser known examples of German to English mistakes.

New Arrivals

Child birth is a weird experience at any time, but perhaps even weirder during a global pandemic. Would the lock-down wreak havoc and was television an accurate guide to what would happen next?

Work Hard, Play Sometimes

Germany regularly features in the top ten most productive countries, even though Germans work fewer hours than many of their neighbours in Europe. What is it like to work in this environment and has Germany really mastered work/life balance?

Fasching: Nothing is Forbidden

Fasching is a favorite time of year for many Germans, with a long tradition going back to the medieval period. Although primarily a celebration, the costumes worn by some have come under scrutiny due to accusations of racism and cultural stereotyping. Can a costume be racist even if worn in celebration and is ignorance ever a defence?