Episode 214: Polka Town

Episode 214: Polka Town

Episode 214: Polka Town
40% German

After his triumphant return to the podcast last, Simon is settling in nicely, so much so he takes the reins of the podcast to bring us a segment on the various alternative versions of German cities in the good old USA. Why live the poor but sexy life in the original Berlin when you could move to Berlin, Connecticut and enjoy the cookie cutter world of small town America?

Perhaps moving countries is a little extreme, especially when there’s work still to be done here in Germany. There’s a lot of things that Germans are dissatisfied with, and we see this from various online polls on a weekly basis, but do online polls really change anything? We discuss what seems to be annoying Germans the most and why not every petition is treated the same.

Change is certainly on the agenda as the Federal elections loom large at the beginning of 2025, and we finish the show by looking the recent developments.

Theme tune courtesy of Kloß mit Soß

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